
How To Repair Clay Statues

Pace-by-step process of filling a large gap or missing pieces on a pottery vessel or sculpture using the best commercially available materials. This production (PC-Super-Epoxy) works extremely well where missing volume is required to exist filled upwards and strengthened without sagging or dripping used on horizontal or vertical surfaces.

This process can employ to damaged plate, vase, bowl, pitcher, figurine or any pottery, mainland china or ceramic vessel.

What Will You Need - cementing and filling large gap - ceramic vessel

i. Ii-part articulate five minutes PC-Clear epoxy
two. Wooden stick, paper clip or a pivot-tool

3. A container with pvc pebbles, rice or sand
. Razor blade
5. Denatured or 91% Alcohol
6. Paper pad to mix PC-Clear Epoxy on
7. Good low-cal
Protective eyewear

Where to get PC-Supper Epoxy and PC-Articulate Epoxy

Of import: Ceramic restoration materials are non food-rubber, liquid or heat proof (over 190 degrees F) and repaired items should not be used on cooking or food serving ware more...

What glue, filler and tools to use to fill missing piece on pottery, sculpture or figurine?

Cementing Ceramic Pieces Steps

Broken ceramic candle holder

Brand sure the pieces are clean using alcohol. If the particular has been fixed before clean off any old agglutinative, or the new adhesive may non bond properly. Instruction to remove old adhesives.

two-part 5-minutes epoxy - pc clear

Identify even amounts of 5-minutes clear epoxy on a paper or paper-thin pad

Mix the two parts epoxy

Mix epoxy well with a pin tool, paper clip or a wooden stick.

Apply the epoxy to one side

Use epoxy mix to one side using a pintool or a wooden stick

Applying the epoxy onto one side

Utilise merely enough adhesive to embrace the edge. Also little will leave gaps, resulting in a weak repair

Place broken piece apply pressure

Place cleaved piece over the epoxy. Important: You have only well-nigh 60-90 seconds from get-go of epoxy mixing to consummate the broken piece'due south permanent placement before the epoxy becomes gummy and not workable

Let the epoxy cure before cleaning excess cured glue

Rapidly bring together the pieces together while applying light pressure to squeeze actress epoxy out. You only have about 60–90 seconds from start of epoxy mixing to placement before the epoxy becomes gummy and unworkable. Do not wipe off the squeezed-off epoxy to avoid smearing.

Let the epoxy cure before cleaning excess cured glue

Verify that pieces tin stay steady during the cure period (permit it cure at 75 degrees F or warmer)

Bend blade for better access clearing unwanted cured epoxy

Bend blade for amend access clearing unwanted cured epoxy. Warning - wearable protective eyewear

Remove excess cured epoxy with a blade

Let the epoxy cure for 60 or more minutes before removing backlog cured epoxy with a blade

Filling Large Gap or Missing Piece on Ceramic, Pottery or Sculpture

PC-SuperEpoxy Filler - instructions
Squeese PC-SuperEpoxy

Clasp PC-Super Epoxy Filler on a disposable pad

PC-SuperEpoxy Filler ready for mixing

PC-Super Epoxy Filler fix for mixing - notice the two colors

Mix the PC-SuperEpoxy Filler until blue dissapears

Mix the PC-Super Epoxy Filler until blue disappears

Carfully apply the mixed PC-SuperEpoxy Filler to the deep cavity
Carefully utilise the mixed PC-Super Epoxy Filler to the deep cavity

SuperEpoxy Filler
Missing piece area all filled up with Super Epoxy Filler

Pour 91% alcohol in a cup
Pour 91% booze in a cup

Deep finger in alcohol
Using PC-11 Fine filler

Gently shine acme surface of PC-Super Epoxy Filler

 Wait for PC-SuperEpoxy Filler to cure

Await several hours for PC-Super Epoxy Filler to cure

Pot repair completed using Kintsugi repair mending with gold

If fine filler is required, us PC-11
If fine filler is required, see this tutorial using PC-11 Filler


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